AmGCh.CanGCh.Minuteman Colder Weather
Our new special for 2019, Colder finished as a puppy in the US and is a multi-BIS winner in Canada.
In two short weeks, he was BISS at the Miniature Schnauzer Club of Michigan under Mrs.Bergit Coady Kabel, Best of Breed Hatboro (Mr.Bruce Schwartz), BISS at AMSC Montgomery County, under breeder-judge Mr.Brian Bogart, followed by a Group Fourth under breeder-judge Mr.David KirklandThese wins were followed two weeks later with a Reserve BIS (Mr.Michael Canalizo) and a Best In Show under Mr.James Moses, at Rapid City KC.
As a puppy .
Am.Can.Ch.Minuteman All About Flyfishing ROM AmGChG.CanGCh.Minuteman Justified AmGCh.CanCh.Minuteman Goldikova Am.Can.Ch.Scandals N Bowsers Family Feud Am.Can.Ch.Scandals Get The Party Started Can.Ch.Scandals Vendetta Can.Ch.Scandals Rhythm Of My Heart Am.GCh.Can.GCh.Minuteman Colder Weather Am.Can.Ch.Minuteman All About Flyfishing ROM AmGCh.CanCh.Minuteman Toxicology Am.Can.Ch.Minuteman Madrid Minuteman Bad Chemistry Am.Can.GCh.Tomar's The Fix Is In Am.Ch.Minuteman Game Theory AmGCh.CanGCHEx.Minuteman Venus Flytrap