CERF normal, MAC tested normal(Penngen).
"Fly" carries forward the Ch.Skyline's Star Spangled Banner line of descendency on both sides of his pedigree through "Hide The Cat" (in addition to the many lines from Banner further back).
His show record includes a Specialty Reserve and Best In Sweeps at the Chicago MSC in February 2009. Returning in September, he was Best of Winners at the Michigan MSC (5 pts) and repeated two days later at the Monroe K.C., finishing with a breed win in Denver, Co. February 2010.
Now an established top producing sire, his notable homebred offspring include: AmGCh.CanGChEx.Minuteman Venus Flytrap
AmGCh.CanGCh.Minuteman Toxicology
AmGCh.CanGCh.Minuteman Justified
AmGCh.Minuteman Sweet Justice
AmGCh.Destineez Wild Blue Yonder
AmCanCh.Minuteman Up With The Birds
And a host of other group and specialty winners across Canada and the USA!
                        --Can.Ch.Minuteman Bump In The Night ROM
             --Am.Can.Ch.Minuteman Hide The Cat ROM
                        --Am.Can.Ch.Minuteman I Eat Tigers
  --ToMar's High Flying
                        --Am.Ch.ToMar's Dream Builder
             --Am.Ch.ToMar's Sassy Yet Classy
                        --Am.Ch.ToMar's That's Just Peachy
Am.Can.Ch.Minuteman All About Flyfishing ROM
                        --Am.Ch.ToMar's Mr.Dream Fixer
             --Am.Can.Gr.Ch.ToMar's The Fix Is In
                        --Am.Ch.ToMar's Bag O Trix
  --Can.Ch.Rho D's Something Fishy
                        --Am.Can.Ch.Minuteman Hide The Cat ROM
             --Can.Ch.Minuteman What's New Pussycat
                        --Am.Can.Ch.Reggae's Blue Heaven ROM