Purdue University - Top 100 diagnoses for Miniature Schnauzers

This data was compiled over a ten year period with the ending date of July 18, 2000. The cases come from 26 member University Veterinary Teaching Hospitals.

         Frequency of  diagnoses -  Total Schnauzer, Miniature 7415
 OBS   Diag							       Freq

  1   Calculus Bladder							438
  2   Heart Murmur							399
  3   Healthy Animal							327
  4   Diabetes Mellitus							300
  5   Acquired Insufficiency Mitral Valve				290
  6   Undiagnosed Disease						276
  7   Pancreatitis							257
  8   Adrenal Cortical Hyperfunction					255
  9   Cataract due to unknown						255
 10   Calculus Teeth							227
 11   Urinary Infection							220
 12   Periodontal Disease						200
 13   Vomit Emesis due to unknown					195
 14   Kidney failure due to unknown					187
 15   Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca 					176
 16   Allergy Dermatitis						173
 17   Death Due to Euthanasia						159
 18   Disease Liver due to unknown					152
 19   Lens Induced Uveitis						152
 20   Dermatitis due to flea bite allergy				146
 21   Hepatomegaly NOS							146
 22   Sinus Arrhthmia due to unknown (sick sinus syndrome)   		144
 23   Diarrhea NOS							131
 24   Immature Cataract							131
 25   Incipient Cataract 						131
 26   Hyperlipemia							124
 27   Proteinuria							123
 28   Focal Epileptic Seizures 						121
 29   Otitis Externa due to unknown 					119
 30   Diabetic Cataract 						115
 31   Calculus Kidney							113
 32   Obesity								108
 33   No diagnosis made, lab or medicine only				107
 34   Pyoderma Skin Trunk						100
 35   Pruritius								 99
 36   Healing surgical wound						 98
 37   Congenital Portal Caval Shunt					 94
 38   Degenerative Retina due to unknown 				 94
 39   Hypermature Cataract 						 90
 40   Anemia								 89
 41   Mature Cataract							 88
 42   Dermatitis due to bacterial					 86
 43   Cystitis 								 86
 44   Sudden Acquired Retinal Degenerative				 85
 45   Endophthalmitis Uveitis due to unknown 				 81
 46   Cushings disease due to unknown					 79
 47   Amaurosis due to unknown 						 78
 48   Ulcer Cornea due to unknown					 78
 49   Colitis								 75
 50   Heart Failure							 75
 51   Lame weak hindlimb idiopathic					 73
 52   Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia IgM					 73
 53   Schnauzer Comedone Syndrome 					 72
 54   Gingivitis							 72
 55   Food Allergy 							 71
 56   Endophthalmitis Uveitis						 69
 57   Nuclear Sclerosis 						 69
 58   Idiopathic Epilepsy 						 64
 59   Allergy								 62
 60   Calculus Urethra							 62
 61   Enlargement Prostate						 61
 62   Dermatitis due to inhalation foreign protein			 60
 63   Anorexia								 60
 64   Polydipsia							 60
 65   Polyuria								 60
 66   Hypothyroid due to unknown					 59
 67   Acquired Insufficiency Tricuspid Valve				 58
 68   Gastroenteritis due to unknown					 57
 69   Conjunctivitis due to unknown					 56
 70   Dermatitis							 55
 71   Azotemia								 55
 72   Fibrocartilaginous Emboli Spinal Cord 				 55
 73   Flea infection							 53
 74   Urinary infection due to Escherichia coli				 53
 75   Folliculitis							 52
 76   Distichia Distichiasis (Trichiasis) 			 	 51
 77   Pulmonary Edema							 51
 78   Progressive Retinal Atrophy 					 51
 79   Vestibular Disease due to unknown					 51
 80   Splenomegaly NOS							 50
 81   Pyelonephritis							 49
 82   Lethargic								 48
 83   Hematuria								 48
 84   Sinus Bradycardia due to unknown 					 47
 85   Thrombocytopenia							 46
 86   Mitral Endocardiosis						 44
 87   Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia					 44
 88   Hepatopathy due to Steriod					 44					 				
 89   Liver disease due to Steriod					 44					 				
 90   Glaucoma NOS							 43
 91   Ataxia								 42
 92   Glomerulonephritis						 42
 93   Detached Retina due to unknown					 42
 94   Hypercholesterolemia						 41
 95   Seborrheic Dermatitis						 41
 96   Alpecia NOS							 41
 97   Rupture Anterior Cruciate Ligament 				 40   				
 98   Cardiomegaly							 39
 99   Hepatitis due to unknown						 39
100   Enlargement Liver 						 38								 

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