AmGChG.CanGCh.Minuteman Justified
"Raylan"#1 MS in America for 2017 - all systems
Raylan's Canadian show record included #1 Miniature Schnauzer for 2015, two all-breed Best In Show wins and two National Specialty bests in very limited showing.
His record in the US: an all-breed Best In Show, 10 specialty bests (including the American Miniature Schnauzer Club National Specialty), 10 group firsts (including a group specialty) along with multiple placements in top terrier company from Great Western to Orlando.
The son of a top producing sire and a Montgomery County breed winning dam, Raylan's stud career is just getting started, with winning get in Canada, the US and England. Now at home near Edmonton, Alberta with his co-owner Vickie Boechler, he's at stud to select bitches.
Am.Can.Ch.Minuteman Hide The Cat ROM Tomar's High Flying Am.Ch.Tomar's Sassy Yet Classy Am.Can.Ch.Minuteman All About Flyfishing Am.Can.GCh.Tomar's The Fix Is In Can.Ch.Rho D's Something Fishy Can.Ch.Minuteman What's New Pussycat ROM AmGChG.CanGCh.Minuteman Justified Am.Can.Ch.Minuteman Fixation Am.Ch.Paragon's Focus On The Gold Am.Ch.Ruedesheim's Soft Touch AmGCh.CanCh.Minuteman Goldikova Am.Can.GCh.Tomar's The Fix Is In Am.Ch.Destineez Jazz Hot Baby Am.Can.Ch.Destineez Smoooth Jazz