Tentative seminar planned for May of 2018, in concert with the MSCC National in Saskatoon, SK.
An Advanced Class is also available now for those who have attended at least one seminar and want to take their trimming skills to the next level. If you wish to organize a seminar in your area, email for details.
(Those who would like to be notified should a seminar be booked in their area may also leave their contact info. Note: Standard Schnauzers also welcome.)
The Schnauzer Immersion Seminar is an intense, hands-on clinic designed to help both new and experienced breeders and exhibitors. The entire spectrum of breeding better Miniature Schnauzers is touched upon, not with the goal of indoctrinating or converting attendees to a specific breeding philosophy or breed type, but to learn the steps necessary to develop one's own guiding principles, focus on long range goals and develop an "eye for a dog". Schnauzer Immersion Seminar
The format is that of an open clinic, with sharing of information and questioning encouraged. Much of the clinic time is devoted to grooming, with as much one-on-one attention given as possible.
The overall goal of the Schnauzer Immersion Seminar is to create an atmosphere where knowledge is freely exchanged, with the hope that those who attend will learn not only how to breed and present their dogs better - but that they will learn the value in sharing what they have learned with future newcomers to the breed.
Day 1
The Breed Standard, Correct Structure And Basics Of Movement
Powerpoint presentation and discussion: the theory portion of the seminar is suitable for judges, as well as breeders and exhibitors. Those aspects of the Miniature Schnauzer breed standard that are considered fundamental to breed type are covered in depth, with photographic references. Included is a discussion of the passages that appear to conflict with what is known about canine anatomy and movement.
Developing Your Ideal Mental Picture
The importance of studying breed greats, and other breeds, to help develop your "eye for a dog".The Importance Of Beauty
Developing objectivity and the ability to distance decision from emotion. The ethics of breed stewardship; ensuring we work to improve and preserve our individual family lines.Evaluating The Dogs
The handicap of kennel blindness: it is not possible to breed better dogs and present them to full potential, if you cannot recognize and acknowledge their flaws. This is an open group exercise, where each dog is evaluated and critiqued by first the owner, then the group, and finally, by myself. "Before" pictures are taken of each dog.The Show Jacket
Basic stripping and individualizing the pattern. Putting a show finish on a jacket.Demonstration of the correct clipper pattern.
Basic Genetics, Pedigree Risk Analysis
(Optional - usually reserved for an evening session)The "Chip Excercise" - the limitations and misconceptions about pedigree analysis
Including: how colour is inherited in the Mini Schnauzer
Controlling genetic defects: different strokes for different folks. General discussion about how to approach genetic disease and determine for yourself where your thresholds are.
Day 2
Show Trim and Ring Finishing
The basic show trim demonstrated, before assisting with each participant as they trim their own dogs. This portion of the clinic varies the most. New groomers will find that simply learning the basic pattern is challenging enough. For more experienced exhibitors, we concentrate on more advanced aspects of trimming, including the employment of optical illusion.Also: correct blow drying, chalking, spraying techniques. Basics of coat care, conditioning.
When dogs are finished, "after" pictures are taken for later comparison.
Rolling the Show Jacket
When time and circumstances permit;Puppy Evaluation, Early Show Training
Handling Tips
For information on availability, costs, and booking;
Kate McMillan
Box 579, Delisle, SK. S0L 0P0
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